Saturday, June 27, 2009

Death through Adam, Life through Christ

中文/臺文/英文 Mandarin/Taiwanese/English

Ko-lîm-to chiân-su cha̍p-gō͘ chiuⁿ tē jī-cha̍p-it kàu jī-cha̍p-jī chat kóng, “In-ūi kì-jiân tùi chi̍t lâng chiah ū sí, iā tùi chi̍t lâng chiah ū sí-lâng ê koh-oa̍h. In-ūi chhin-chhiūⁿ tī A-tong chèng-lâng lóng sí; iā chhin-chhiūⁿ án-ni, tī Ki-tok chèng-lâng boeh tit-tio̍h koh-oa̍h.”

Tī Sek-kia-mô͘-nî Hu̍t í-chêng, chin-chē lâng mn̄g: “Lâng ūi án-chóaⁿ ài siū-khó͘?” Tī Sek-kia-mô͘-nî Hu̍t í-āu, chin-chē lâng iû-gôan gî-būn :“Lâng ūi án-chóaⁿ ài siū-khó͘?” Lâng chhòng-chō chin-chē bô-kâng ê chong-kàu lâi hôe-tap chit-ê būn-tê.

Chit-ê sè-kài tī Siōng-tè khí-chho͘ chhòng-chō ê sî sī bí-hó--ê. Sòa--lo̍h-lâi, A-tong tòa-lâi sí-bông kap chiù-chó͘ hō͘ i só͘-ū ê āu-tāi. Aū--lâi, Iâ-so͘ Ki-tok lâi chín-kiù chit-ê sè-kài, koh hō͘ kun-tòe I ê lâng lóng tit-tio̍h chiok-hok.

Lín kám bat mn̄g-kòe chit-ê būn-tê: “Lâng ūi án-chóaⁿ ài siū-khó͘?” Kin-á-ji̍t Siōng-tè ēng I ê ōe lâi hôe-tap--lán. Sí sī tùi A-tong lâi. Só͘-ū ê pèⁿ-thiàⁿ, só͘-ū lâng piàn lāu, sí-bông, chit-ê sè-kài só͘-ū bô tùi-tâng ê só͘-chāi - chôan-pō͘ lóng sī tùi A-tong lâi.

Chit-ê sè-kài só͘-ū pháiⁿ-tāi, só͘-ū ê bô͘-sat kap bô kong-gī ê tāi-chì, chôan-pō͘ lóng sī tùi lán ê tē-it ê chó͘-sian hōan-chōe ê hit-chi̍t-kang khai-sí. Che sī hō͘ chit-ê sè-kài ê pháiⁿ siau-sit, m̄-kú che sī sū-si̍t.

Sui-jiân sè-kan-lâng hōan-chōe, m̄-kú Siōng-tè iû-gôan thiàⁿ sè-kan-lâng; chiū chhin-chhiūⁿ lán ê gín-á bô-koai, lán iû-gôan thiàⁿ--in. Chū án-ni, Siōng-tè ū chi̍t-ê chín-kiù sè-kan-lâng ê kè-ōe.

Iâ-so͘ Ki-tok, Siōng-tè ê kiáⁿ, Tō chiâⁿ jio̍k-thé. I chiâⁿ-chò chit-ê sin ê iok ê thâu. I tio̍h-ài bīn-tùi pí A-tong koh-khah chē ê iú-he̍k. A-tong kan-taⁿ tio̍h ho̍k-chiông chi̍t-hāng tāi-chì--bē-tit chia̍h chi̍t-châng chhiū-á ê kóe-chí. Iâ-so͘ tī I ta̍k-kang ê seng-oa̍h lāi-té tio̍h-ài ho̍k-chiông ta̍k-khóan ê lu̍t-hoat. I ôan-chôan ho̍k-chiông só͘-ū ê lu̍t-hoat, bô chi̍t-pái hōan-chōe. I bô chōe-ok, I sī kong-gī--ê. Ūi lán ê chōe, I sí-tī si̍p-jī-kè téng, thé-giām Siōng-tè ê hùn-nō͘ kap kong-gī. I taⁿ lán ê chōe, sí-tī si̍p-jī-kè téng.

Lán boeh án-chóaⁿ tit-tio̍h chit-ê kong-gī? Lán boeh án-chóaⁿ kiâⁿ-chhut A-tong ê léng-tō, chiâⁿ-chò sio̍k tī Ki-tok ê lâng? Tō-sī thong-kòe sìn-sim.

Iâ-so͘ í-keng kiù-sio̍k kui-ê sè-kài. Siōng-tè ê kiáⁿ hō͘ lán chū-iû.

Só͘-í lán boeh mn̄g ka-kī: Chit-má lán iáu sio̍k A-tong á-sī sio̍k Ki-tok?

Góa ǹg-bāng lán ta̍k-ê lóng lâi sìn Iâ-so͘. I boeh hō͘ lán tùi chōe lāi-té tháu-pàng, tit-tio̍h chū-iû

約翰福音八章36節「所以 [ 天父的 ] 兒子若叫你們自由,你們就真自由了。」
Iok-hān Hok-im tē-peh chiuⁿ tē saⁿ-cha̍p-la̍k chat kóng: “Só͘-í Thiⁿ-pē ê Kiáⁿ, Iâ-so͘, nā hō͘ lín chū-iû, lín chiū chin-chiàⁿ chū-iû.”

-- 印主烈 牧師 Ìn Chú-lia̍t Bo̍k-su


1 Corinthians 15:21-22 “For since by man came death, by man also came the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive.”

Many men before Buddha asked the question “Why is there suffering?” and many men after Buddha have asked the same question, “Why is there suffering?”. People have invented different religions in trying to answer that question.

The world was good when God first created it. And then one man, Adam, our first ancestor, brought death and a curse to all who are under him. And then a second man, Jesus Christ, came to redeem the world and he earned a blessing for all who belong to him.

Have you ever asked that question, “Why is there suffering?” God is giving an answer to you today in His Word. Death came through one man: Adam. All the sickness, all people getting old and dying, all the wrongs in this world -- they all came through Adam.

All the bad things in the world, all the murders and injustice it all comes from that day that our first ancestor sinned. This is the truth about this world. And it is bad news.

But God stilled loves people even in their sin, just like you still love your children even when they are bad. So he made a plan to save people.

Jesus Christ, God the Son, took human nature. And he became the new head of a new covenant. He had to face more temptations than Adam. Adam just had one thing to obey -- one tree’s fruit to not eat from. Jesus had laws in every area of every day of his life to obey. And he pefectly obeyed all the laws. There was not one time that he sinned. He had no sin. He was righteous. And he died on the cross and experienced God’s wrath and justice for our sin. He bore our sin on the cross.

How do you get this righteousness. How do you come out from under Adam’s headship and become one who belongs to Christ? Through faith.

Jesus has dealt with every aspect of this world’s need for redemption. The Son of God has set you free.

So the question for all of us is this: are we still in Adam or in Christ?

I hope each of you will come to believe in Jesus. He will set you free from sin.

John 8:36 “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed."

-- Pastor Joel H. Linton (excerpts from an Easter 2007 Sermon in Taiwanese at Gikong Presbyterian Church in Taipei. To see the full text: Taiwanese, English translation)

Friday, June 26, 2009

你以什麼為榮耀? What is Your Glory?

This Sunday, one of our ruling elders, Ben Kask 柯班恩 長老 , will preach on "你以什麼為榮耀? What is Your Glory?" from 腓立比書三章17-21節 Philippians 3:17-21.

Quote on God's Holiness and Man's Sin -- Stephen Charnock

A 17th Century presbyterian Puritan pastor, Stephen Charnock, discussed God's Holiness and how much God hates sin. In one of Charnock's sermons he collected different analogies that the Bible uses to describe how much God hates sin. I'll quote a short passage from one of Charnock's sermon.

“[Because of God's holiness,] He cannot look on sin without loathing it, He cannot look on sin but His heart riseth against it.  It must needs be most odious to Him, as that which is against the glory of His nature, and directly opposite to that which is the lustre and varnish of all his other perfections... 

The vilest terms imaginable are used to signify [sin].  Do you understand the loathsomeness of a miry swine, or the nauseousness of the vomit of a dog? These are emblems of sin (2 Peter 2:22).  Can you endure the steams of putrefied carcasses from an open sepulchre? (Romans 3:13) Is the smell of the stinking sweat or excrements of a body delightful?  The word filthiness in James 1:21 signifies as much.  Or is the sight of a body overgrown with scabs and leprosy grateful to you?  So vial, so odious is sin in the sight of God.

It is no light thing, then, to fly in the face of God, to break His eternal law ... to trample the transcript of God's own nature under our feet, to cherish that which is inconsistent with His own honour, to lift up our heels against the glory of His nature... Sin, in every part of it, is an opposition to the holiness of God..." See Isaiah 1:5-6

(Charnock, "God's Holiness" p. 251, The Works of Stephen Charnock V. II -- Discourse of the Existence and Attributes of God).

Do you see your sin the way the Holy God sees your sin?

If you know your sin, Hebrews 4:13-16 is a great comfort.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

讓我們來上帝面前領受憐憫 Let us then draw near to God to receive mercy.


希伯來書四章13-16節 -- "讓我們來上帝面前領受憐憫 "-- 印主烈 牧師
Hebrews 4:13-16 -- "Let us then draw near to God to receive mercy." -- Pastor Joel H. Linton

(Related Verses: Psalm 51, Psalm 139)
Examples cited: Stephen Charnock (1628-1680) -- Complete Works: God's Holiness p. 251

有罪的人 Believing that You are a Sinner in Need of a Savior


路加福音18章9-14節 --"有罪的人" -- 印主烈 牧師

Luke 18:9-14 -- "Believing that You are a Sinner in Need of a Savior" -- Pastor Joel H. Linton

蒙召後靠聖靈行事 Walking with the Spirit


加拉太5章13—26節 -- "蒙召後靠聖靈行事" -- 田天德 傳道

Galatians 5:13-26 -- "The Holy Spirit Leads us out of Sin" -- Caleb Tian

Sim-lāi chin chhiah-ia̍h 心內真刺疫

Lī-bī teh thiu-hiòng
Siông-siông ēng tó͘-kiông;
Sui sī chin hó-gia̍h,
Sim-lāi chin chhiah-ia̍h

Thiaⁿ-kìⁿ Chú Iâ-so͘,
聽見 主 耶穌
Chhiat-chhiat chin him-bō͘ ;
切切 真 欣 慕
Koat-sim beh hoán-hóe,
決心 欲 反悔
M̄-ài koh hoān-chōe
不要 再 犯罪

Iâ-so͘ chiap-la̍p i
耶穌 接納 伊
I chiū tōa hoaⁿ-hí;
伊 就 大 歡喜
Iā ū pān iân-sia̍h,
也 有 辦 筵席
Chhiáⁿ Chú saⁿ-kap chia̍h.
請 主 相及 食

Here is a rough translation in English:

Levi was a tax collector
He was often brutal in his dealings
Even though he was very rich
His heart was very unsatisfied and uncomfortable

When he heard and saw the Lord Jesus
He began to feel a great earnest desire
He made up his mind to repent
No longer did he want to sin

Jesus received him
He was so joyous
That he prepared a great feast
To have Jesus as the guest of honor to eat with him

(Translated by Joel Linton)