Monday, February 25, 2008

Sermon D&R - "與上帝和好了嗎 ? Are You at Peace with God?"

Yesterday, Joel (印主烈 牧師) preached on "與上帝和好了嗎 ? Are You at Peace with God?" from 羅馬書五章1-5節 Romans 5:1-5.
Please post your feedback or comments or share your thoughts in response to this sermon.

Some Highlights:
1. Peace is not merely the absence of conflict.
2. Peace is a personal relationship with God
3. This personal relationship is dependent on what Jesus Christ did. God sees Christians through Christ; He is well-pleased with us because God the Father is well-pleased with Jesus Christ, God the Son, who perfectly obeyed God and perfectly loved God. He presented his perfect record in our place, and took our record of sin on himself and received the punishment for our sin when he died on the Cross 2000 years ago.

• 從這段經文和今天的講道,你還學到什麼?
Are there any points you'd like to add that you learned from the Scripture passage and sermon?
• 有沒有哪個例子幫助你了解跟上帝和好的含意?
Were there any illustrations that you really thought helped you understand what it means to have peace with God?

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