On March 30, 2008, Daniel Cohee preached on
從孤兒變成上帝的孩子 "From Orphans to Children of God" from 約翰一書 1 John 2:28-3:3.
Some points:
* God the Father loves and has adopted all who believe in Jesus.
* An adopted child does not look like his adoptive parents, but as he lives longer in the family, he begins to act like them.
* A child is not like a slave or an employee. A child belongs to the home. He does not have to earn it.
* Christians are no longer slaves, but children. Even after they have been taken out of slavery, but it takes longer for the slavery to be taken out of their hearts and minds and attitudes.
* Are you relating to God like a slave or like who you are in Christ - a loved, adopted child of God?
Monday, March 31, 2008
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life 永生的源頭
Happy Easter!
Whatever you are depressed by, the ultimate hope is found in Jesus Christ, the one who rose from the dead to never die again.
Don't put your hope in things that will not last. Put your hope in eternal things, that will last beyond the grave. Put your hope in Jesus and the eternal life he purchased with his death for sinners like you.
On March 23, Pastor Joel preached on "永生的源頭 The Source of Eternal Life" from John 11:17-27 and Acts 2:22-24.
This link also has Ken and Lillian Huang's 黃德建 & 黃力蓮 Testimonies.
Whatever you are depressed by, the ultimate hope is found in Jesus Christ, the one who rose from the dead to never die again.
Don't put your hope in things that will not last. Put your hope in eternal things, that will last beyond the grave. Put your hope in Jesus and the eternal life he purchased with his death for sinners like you.
On March 23, Pastor Joel preached on "永生的源頭 The Source of Eternal Life" from John 11:17-27 and Acts 2:22-24.
This link also has Ken and Lillian Huang's 黃德建 & 黃力蓮 Testimonies.
eternal life,
John 11:17-27,
Ken and Lillian Huang,
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Sermon D&R - 因最大的盼望喜樂 Rejoicing in the Ultimate Hope - March 16, 2008
On March 16, 印主烈 牧師 Pastor Joel H. Linton preached on 因最大的盼望喜樂 Rejoicing in the Ultimate Hope from 羅馬書五章1-5節 Romans 5:1-5.
glory of God,
Pastor Joel H. Linton,
Romans 5:2,
印主烈 牧師,
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Congratulations to Marcie Lee and TJ Jiang on their engagement!

When? -- TJ asked Marcie to marry him on her birthday, March 2, 2008.
Please leave your personal congratulations by clicking on "comments" below.
Sermon D&R - 來到上帝的面前 Access to God; Standing in Grace
On March 9, Pastor Joel Linton (印主烈 牧師) will preach on "Access to God, Standing in Grace" 來到上帝的面前 from Romans 5:1-5, particularly verse 2 羅馬書五章1-5節.
(other verses --
2 Corinthians 9:7 "Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give、not reluctantly or under compulsion、for God loves a cheerful giver."
(For further reading at home, read John Chapter 14-17)
• 從這段經文和今天的講道,你還學到什麼?
Are there any points you'd like to add that you learned from the Scripture passage and sermon?
(other verses --
2 Corinthians 9:7 "Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give、not reluctantly or under compulsion、for God loves a cheerful giver."
(For further reading at home, read John Chapter 14-17)
• 從這段經文和今天的講道,你還學到什麼?
Are there any points you'd like to add that you learned from the Scripture passage and sermon?
access to God,
Pastor Joel H. Linton,
Romans 5:2,
印主烈 牧師
Sermon D&R - 因信基督得以成為神的兒子 Standing as a son of God
On March 2, Caleb Tian 田天德 傳道 preached on 加拉太書三章26-29節 Galatians 3:26-29 that speaks about how we are 因信基督得以成為神的兒子 sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. In the first part of the sermon, Caleb spoke about how every person economic status or culture or race has equal dignity before God because we are united to Christ.
• 從這段經文和今天的講道,你還學到什麼?
Are there any points you'd like to add that you learned from the Scripture passage and sermon?
• 從這段經文和今天的講道,你還學到什麼?
Are there any points you'd like to add that you learned from the Scripture passage and sermon?
Caleb Tian,
Galatians 3:26-29,
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