Saturday, January 3, 2009

希望教會就滿六週年 6-year anniversary of New Hope's founding

明天希望教會就滿六週年了。Pastor Tim 牧師、張昱國長老和印主烈傳道,於二00三年1月5日開始了希望教會的第一堂禮拜。當時教會在伯大尼美國學校的地下室聚會,之後換過兩次聚會地點。教會很多人是外地人,他們住在台北這段期間,到希望教會聚會,幾年後又離開台北,到其他國家或城市去了,所以我們送別了很多朋友。但現在教會裡還有一些人,從第一堂禮拜開始就在希望教會聚會了。感謝上帝帶領我們的教會到今天,請大家同心禱告教會可以繼續成長、更加成熟。期望教會成長時,我們會繼續忠於上帝的話,也願上帝使用希望教會,讓更多台灣人認識福音,協助台灣的植堂工作,並派宣教士到世界各地傳福音。

Tomorrow marks the six-year anniversary of New Hope's founding. On January 5, 2003, Pastor Tim, Elder Harry Chang, and Missionary Joel Linton started the first worship service of New Hope Christian Fellowship. They met at the basement of Bethany American School. Since then, New Hope has moved locations twice. We have said many goodbyes. Many people have come to Taipei and worshipped at New Hope for a few years and then moved away to other cities or countries. Yet there are still a few people here today who were at the very first New Hope worship service. We praise God for where He has led this church. Please join us in prayer for New Hope's growth and maturity. We hope that as we grow and are faithful to His Word, God will use New Hope to reach many people in Taiwan with the Gospel, to help start new churches in Taiwan, and also to send missionaries around the world.

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