Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Sim-lāi chin chhiah-ia̍h 心內真刺疫

Lī-bī teh thiu-hiòng
Siông-siông ēng tó͘-kiông;
Sui sī chin hó-gia̍h,
Sim-lāi chin chhiah-ia̍h

Thiaⁿ-kìⁿ Chú Iâ-so͘,
聽見 主 耶穌
Chhiat-chhiat chin him-bō͘ ;
切切 真 欣 慕
Koat-sim beh hoán-hóe,
決心 欲 反悔
M̄-ài koh hoān-chōe
不要 再 犯罪

Iâ-so͘ chiap-la̍p i
耶穌 接納 伊
I chiū tōa hoaⁿ-hí;
伊 就 大 歡喜
Iā ū pān iân-sia̍h,
也 有 辦 筵席
Chhiáⁿ Chú saⁿ-kap chia̍h.
請 主 相及 食

Here is a rough translation in English:

Levi was a tax collector
He was often brutal in his dealings
Even though he was very rich
His heart was very unsatisfied and uncomfortable

When he heard and saw the Lord Jesus
He began to feel a great earnest desire
He made up his mind to repent
No longer did he want to sin

Jesus received him
He was so joyous
That he prepared a great feast
To have Jesus as the guest of honor to eat with him

(Translated by Joel Linton)

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