Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Reading List to get to Know Your Faith

Reading List to get to Know Your Faith

In the Bible, here is a place to start:

1. 路加福音或約翰福音 read Luke or John
2. 使徒行傳 read Acts
3. 羅馬書或以弗所書 read Romans or Ephesians
4. 創世記 read Genesis
5. 出埃及記 read Exodus

(along with this, it is good to read Psalms and Proverbs)

There are other good Christian books to read. Here is the list.

† Mere Christianity - C.S. Lewis 返璞歸真(or 如此基督教),路益師著,香港:海天書樓
† Reason for God - Tim Keller (not yet been translated)
† Reason to Believe - R.C. Sproul 教我如何不信祂,史普羅著,趙中輝譯, 改革宗出版(Reformed Press)
† Screwtape Letters - C.S. Lewis 地獄來鴻,魯益師著,香港:基督教文藝
† The Case for Christ - Lee Strobel 重審耶穌,史特博著; 李伯明譯,香港:海天書樓

† Westminster Confession of Faith 基督教信仰告白,趙中輝譯,改革宗出版
† Westminster Shorter Catechim 韋斯敏斯德小要理問答
† 基督教要道初階──要理問答精解(修訂版) The Shorter Catechism──First Steps in Christian Doctrine 魏廉森 G. I. Williamson,改革宗出版
† Westminster Larger Catechism 韋敏斯德大要理問答

† A Faith Worth Sharing - C. John Miller (not yet been translated)
† Outgrowing the Ingrown Church - C. John Miller (not yet been translated)
† The Golden Booklet on the True Christian Life - John Calvin 基督徒生活手册,約翰‧加爾文著,趙中輝譯,改革宗出版
† 盤石之上(The Christian Life-A Doctrinal Introduction), 辛克萊‧傅格森(Sinclair B. Ferguson), Virginia Yip譯 ,改革宗出版

† Passion and Purity - Elizabeth Elliot 郵遞真愛,伊莉莎白˙艾略特著,中國學園傳道會出版
† Through the Gates of Splendor - Elizabeth Elliot 奧卡人的新生,伊莉莎白˙艾略特著,大光出版社

† Chosen by God - R.C. Sproul 認識預定論,史普羅著,校園出版(Campus bookstore)
† The Holiness of God - R.C. Sproul 神的聖潔, 史普羅著,黃一亭譯,中國主日學協會 (缺貨)
† The Knowledge of the Holy - A. W. Tozer 認識至聖者,陶恕著,香港宣道出版
† The Pursuit of God - A. W. Tozer 渴慕神,陶恕著,香港宣道出版

† Infant Care Book - Judy Linton 百歲醫師教我的育兒寶典,作者:林奐均
† To Train Up a Child - Michael Pearl


† Biblical Baptism - George W. Marston
† Come Take a Walk with Me (Testimony) - Judy Linton
† Thinking about Idolatry 拜偶像 Pài Siâ-sîn - Tim Keller
† Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God - Jonathan Edwards
† Dating, Courtship and Marriage - Jim Neuheiser

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