On December 28, 印主烈 牧師 Pastor Joel H. Linton preached on "用財物和禱告扶持聖徒 Supporting the Saints" form Romans 15:20-33
Related passages: 2 Corinthians 8
Saturday, December 27, 2008
這聖誕節的嬰孩是誰?Who is the Christmas baby?
On December 21, 康牧師 Pastor Tim preached on "這聖誕節的嬰孩是誰?Who is the Christmas baby?" from 加拉太書四章4-7節 Galatians 4:4-7
Pastor Tim,
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Christmas through the Bible
Dear New Hope family,
A good way for you and your family to celebrate Christmas is to read together through Bible passages that tell part of the Christmas story. You can read a few each night through the New Year.
創世記 3:15
創世記 15:6
創世記 22:6-8
創世記 22:18
創世記 28:13-15
創世記 49: 8-12
申命記 18:14-22
路得記 4:9-22
撒母耳記上 16:1-13
撒母耳記下 7
歷代志上 17
以賽亞書 7:13-14
以賽亞書 9:1-7
以賽亞書 11:1-10
以賽亞書 40
以賽亞書 42:1-9
以賽亞書 49:1-7
以賽亞書 52:13-53:12
耶利米書 23:1-6
瑪拉基書 4:4-6
馬太福音 1 & 2
路加福音 1 & 2
路加福音 3:21-37
約翰福音 1:1-27
希伯來書 1:1-14
希伯來書 2:9-18
Christmas through the Bible:
Genesis 3:15
Genesis 15:6
Genesis 22:6-8
Genesis 22:18
Genesis 28:13-15
Genesis 49:8-12
Deuteronomy 18:14-22
Ruth 4:9-22
1 Samuel 16:1-13
2 Samuel 7
1 Chronicles 17
Isaiah 7:13-14
Isaiah 9:1-7
Isaiah 11:1-10
Isaiah 40
Isaiah 42:1-9
Isaiah 49:1-7
Isaiah 52:13-53:12
Jeremiah 23:1-6
Malachi 4:4-6
Matthew 1 & 2
Luke 1 & 2
Luke 3:21-37
John 1:1-27
Hebrews 1:1-14
Hebrews 2:9-18
Dear New Hope family,
A good way for you and your family to celebrate Christmas is to read together through Bible passages that tell part of the Christmas story. You can read a few each night through the New Year.
創世記 3:15
創世記 15:6
創世記 22:6-8
創世記 22:18
創世記 28:13-15
創世記 49: 8-12
申命記 18:14-22
路得記 4:9-22
撒母耳記上 16:1-13
撒母耳記下 7
歷代志上 17
以賽亞書 7:13-14
以賽亞書 9:1-7
以賽亞書 11:1-10
以賽亞書 40
以賽亞書 42:1-9
以賽亞書 49:1-7
以賽亞書 52:13-53:12
耶利米書 23:1-6
瑪拉基書 4:4-6
馬太福音 1 & 2
路加福音 1 & 2
路加福音 3:21-37
約翰福音 1:1-27
希伯來書 1:1-14
希伯來書 2:9-18
Christmas through the Bible:
Genesis 3:15
Genesis 15:6
Genesis 22:6-8
Genesis 22:18
Genesis 28:13-15
Genesis 49:8-12
Deuteronomy 18:14-22
Ruth 4:9-22
1 Samuel 16:1-13
2 Samuel 7
1 Chronicles 17
Isaiah 7:13-14
Isaiah 9:1-7
Isaiah 11:1-10
Isaiah 40
Isaiah 42:1-9
Isaiah 49:1-7
Isaiah 52:13-53:12
Jeremiah 23:1-6
Malachi 4:4-6
Matthew 1 & 2
Luke 1 & 2
Luke 3:21-37
John 1:1-27
Hebrews 1:1-14
Hebrews 2:9-18
模範長老的特質 The Distinguishing Marks of an Exemplary Elder
On December 14, 2008, at 3:00 P.M. New Hope had an ordination service for 紀禮瑞 Larry Dilley, 何恩 Aaron Heidel, 柯班恩 Benjamin Kask -- who were ordained as ruling elders of New Hope. 康 牧師 Pastor Tim preached on "模範長老的特質 The Distinguishing Marks of an Exemplary Elder" from 使徒行傳廿章17-38節 Acts 20:17-38
ordination service,
Pastor Tim,
ruling elders,
這完美的嬰孩名稱為 Naming the Perfect Child
On the morning of December 14, 2008 (A.M.) -- 康 牧師 Pastor Tim preached on "這完美的嬰孩名稱為 Naming the Perfect Child" from 以賽亞書九章6-7節 Isaiah 9:6-7
你人生的目標是什麼?What do you want to accomplish in your life?
On December 7, 2008, 印主烈 牧師 Pastor Joel H. Linton preached on "你人生的目標是什麼?What do you want to accomplish in your life?" from 羅馬書15章14-16節 Romans 15:14-16
在基督裡得榮耀 Glorying in Jesus Christ
在基督裡得榮耀 Glorying in Jesus Christ
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Thanksgiving Day video
Thanksgiving 2008 -- courtesy of Michael Jefferies
Thanks Chris and Julia Harris for hosting us!
Thanks Chris and Julia Harris for hosting us!
Friday, December 5, 2008
生命最重要的目的 Our Chief Purpose in Life
【Tâi-gí -- translated by Tīⁿ Jî-gio̍k Bo̍k-su 鄭兒玉】
Jîn-seng Chòe Iàu-kín ê Bo̍k-te̍k
"Tùi lán múi chi̍t-lâng kiám-chhái ōe-tit-thang kóng, lán ta̍k-lâng sìⁿ-mia tiong chòe iàu-kín ê bo̍k-te̍k, chiū-sī ēng lán só͘-ū lóng-chóng ê châi-lêng kap tì-sek, lâi koh khah jīn-bat siong-sìn Siōng-tè; ia̍h siōng-chhiáⁿ siū kám-tōng lâi o-ló kám-siā I."
Prof. J.R.R. Tolkien, 1969 -- Gû-tin-Tāi-ha̍k Anglo-Saxon Bûn-ha̍k-hē (Eng-tē ê le̍k-sú gí-giân-ha̍k-ka) ê Kàu-siū
kap "Chhiú-chí Ông" (Mô͘-kài) ê Chok-ka
【華語 -- translated by Melody Chen】
- 托爾金教授("魔戒"的作者及牛津大學英國文學教授)寫於1969年
"So it may be said that the chief purpose in life, for any one of us, is to increase according to our capacity our knowledge of God by all the means we have, and to be moved by it to praise and thanks."
-- Prof. J.R.R. Tolkien, 1969 -- Oxford University Professor of Anglo-Saxon Literature & Author of the Lord of the Rings 魔戒
Jîn-seng Chòe Iàu-kín ê Bo̍k-te̍k
"Tùi lán múi chi̍t-lâng kiám-chhái ōe-tit-thang kóng, lán ta̍k-lâng sìⁿ-mia tiong chòe iàu-kín ê bo̍k-te̍k, chiū-sī ēng lán só͘-ū lóng-chóng ê châi-lêng kap tì-sek, lâi koh khah jīn-bat siong-sìn Siōng-tè; ia̍h siōng-chhiáⁿ siū kám-tōng lâi o-ló kám-siā I."
Prof. J.R.R. Tolkien, 1969 -- Gû-tin-Tāi-ha̍k Anglo-Saxon Bûn-ha̍k-hē (Eng-tē ê le̍k-sú gí-giân-ha̍k-ka) ê Kàu-siū
kap "Chhiú-chí Ông" (Mô͘-kài) ê Chok-ka
【華語 -- translated by Melody Chen】
- 托爾金教授("魔戒"的作者及牛津大學英國文學教授)寫於1969年
"So it may be said that the chief purpose in life, for any one of us, is to increase according to our capacity our knowledge of God by all the means we have, and to be moved by it to praise and thanks."
-- Prof. J.R.R. Tolkien, 1969 -- Oxford University Professor of Anglo-Saxon Literature & Author of the Lord of the Rings 魔戒
Monday, December 1, 2008
終於要講羅馬書的目的了 At last! The Purpose of the Book
On November 30, Dr. Dean Ulrich preached on 「終於要講羅馬書的目的了」"At last! The Purpose of the Book" from 羅馬書15章7-13節 Romans 15:7-13
Christian unity,
Dr. Dean Ulrich,
Romans 15:7-13,
Monday, November 24, 2008
把人放進你的心 Putting People in Your Heart
On November 23, 田天德 傳道 Caleb Tian preached on 「把人放進你的心」 Putting People in Your heart from 羅馬書14章19節–15章6節 Romans 14:19-15:6
Caleb Tian,
Romans 14:19-15:6,
Saturday, November 15, 2008
互相體貼 Being Considerate of Each Other
On November 16, 柯睿理 傳道 Daniel Cohee preached on "互相體貼 Being Considerate of Each Other" from 羅馬書十四章1-18節 Romans 14:1-18
Christian liberty,
Daniel Cohee,
Romans 14:1-18,
認清事實,好活出基督徒的生命 Living Your Christian Life based on Reality
On November 9, 印主烈 牧師 Pastor Joel H. Linton preached on "認清事實,好活出基督徒的生命 Living Your Christian Life based on Reality" from 羅馬書十三章11-14節 Romans 13:11-14
Christian life,
Pastor Joel H. Linton,
Romans 13:11-14,
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Ezekiel Class - Dr. Dean Ulrich
Dean Ulrich is teaching a class on the book of Ezekiel from November 2008 through February 2009. The recorded weeks can be found here: [Note we are missing the second week's audio.]
Class 1
Class 3
Class 4
Class 5
Ezekiel Christmas Special - Part 1
Ezekiel Christmas Special - Part 2
Summary of the first Half of Ezekial's Message -- Themes in Ch. 16, 23...
愛就完全行出了上帝的律法 Loving Others Fulfills God's Law
On November 2, 印主烈 牧師 Pastor Joel H. Linton preached on 愛就完全行出了上帝的律法 Loving others fulfills God's Law from 羅馬書十三章7-10節 Romans 13:7-10
God's Law,
Pastor Joel H. Linton,
Romans 13:7-10,
Friday, October 31, 2008
The Freedom We have in Jesus Christ
第二十章 論基督徒的自由和良心的自由
Westminster Confession of Faith, Chapter 20, Section 1
"The liberty which Christ hath purchased for believers under the Gospel, consists in their freedom from the guilt of sin, the condemning wrath of God, the curse of the moral law; and, in their being delivered from this present evil world, bondage to Satan, and dominion of sin; from the evil of afflictions, the sting of death, the victory of the grave, and everlasting damnation; as also in their free access to God, and their yielding obedience unto Him, not out of slavish fear, but a childlike love and willing mind. All which were common also to believers under the law.
But under the new testament, the liberty of Christians is further enlarged in their freedom from the yoke of the ceremonial law, to which the Jewish Church was subjected; and in greater boldness of access to the throne of grace, and in fuller communications of the free Spirit of God, than believers under the law did ordinarily partake of."
第二十章 論基督徒的自由和良心的自由
Westminster Confession of Faith, Chapter 20, Section 1
"The liberty which Christ hath purchased for believers under the Gospel, consists in their freedom from the guilt of sin, the condemning wrath of God, the curse of the moral law; and, in their being delivered from this present evil world, bondage to Satan, and dominion of sin; from the evil of afflictions, the sting of death, the victory of the grave, and everlasting damnation; as also in their free access to God, and their yielding obedience unto Him, not out of slavish fear, but a childlike love and willing mind. All which were common also to believers under the law.
But under the new testament, the liberty of Christians is further enlarged in their freedom from the yoke of the ceremonial law, to which the Jewish Church was subjected; and in greater boldness of access to the throne of grace, and in fuller communications of the free Spirit of God, than believers under the law did ordinarily partake of."
Preparing your hearts for Sunday's worship
1. 上禮拜天的講道「活在上帝的權柄之下」已經放在網站上,大家可以上網聽。
2. Ulrich 教授的成人主日學這禮拜天開始上課,內容是討論以西結書。主日學時間是中午12:15-1:15,地點在希望教會。上課方式以討論為主,互動語言主要是英文。如果有人希望用中文討論或問 Ulrich 教授問題,Melody 可以幫忙翻譯。
3. 這禮拜天我們要領聖餐。
4. 請大家花一些時間讀以下的經文,為主日預備心。這些經文跟禮拜天要講道的經文(羅馬書十三章7-10節)有關。主日講道的題目是「愛就完全行出了上帝的律法」。
Dear New Hope family,
We have a few announcements for Sunday:
1. Last week's sermon, "Living under God's Authority" can be heard online.
2. Dr. Ulrich will begin the adult Bible study and discussion on Ezekiel this Sunday at New Hope from 12:15 p.m. - 1:15 p.m. The class is a discussion format, mainly using English. Melody can help facilitate communication for those who are better at speaking Mandarin, but would like to make comments or ask Dr. Ulrich any questions.
3. We will celebrate the Lord's Supper this Sunday.
4. To prepare for Sunday's worship service, please take some time to read the following Bible passages. They are all related to the sermon from Romans 13:7-10 about "Love: Fulfilling God's Law"
Please read the Ten Commandments:
Exodus 20:1-21
Please also read:
Jesus' parable of the prodigal son
Luke 15:11-32
Jesus' parable of the good Samaritan
Luke 10:25-37
God bless you this week as you grow in your life of faith and of knowing and obeying God.
In Christ,
Pastor Joel
1. 上禮拜天的講道「活在上帝的權柄之下」已經放在網站上,大家可以上網聽。
2. Ulrich 教授的成人主日學這禮拜天開始上課,內容是討論以西結書。主日學時間是中午12:15-1:15,地點在希望教會。上課方式以討論為主,互動語言主要是英文。如果有人希望用中文討論或問 Ulrich 教授問題,Melody 可以幫忙翻譯。
3. 這禮拜天我們要領聖餐。
4. 請大家花一些時間讀以下的經文,為主日預備心。這些經文跟禮拜天要講道的經文(羅馬書十三章7-10節)有關。主日講道的題目是「愛就完全行出了上帝的律法」。
Dear New Hope family,
We have a few announcements for Sunday:
1. Last week's sermon, "Living under God's Authority" can be heard online.
2. Dr. Ulrich will begin the adult Bible study and discussion on Ezekiel this Sunday at New Hope from 12:15 p.m. - 1:15 p.m. The class is a discussion format, mainly using English. Melody can help facilitate communication for those who are better at speaking Mandarin, but would like to make comments or ask Dr. Ulrich any questions.
3. We will celebrate the Lord's Supper this Sunday.
4. To prepare for Sunday's worship service, please take some time to read the following Bible passages. They are all related to the sermon from Romans 13:7-10 about "Love: Fulfilling God's Law"
Please read the Ten Commandments:
Exodus 20:1-21
Please also read:
Jesus' parable of the prodigal son
Luke 15:11-32
Jesus' parable of the good Samaritan
Luke 10:25-37
God bless you this week as you grow in your life of faith and of knowing and obeying God.
In Christ,
Pastor Joel
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
活在上帝的權柄之下 Living under God's Authority
On October 26, 印主烈 牧師 Pastor Joel H. Linton preached on "活在上帝的權柄之下 Living under God's Authority" from 羅馬書13章1-7節 Romans 13:1-7
Recommended Reading:
1 Peter 2:13-3:17, Ephesians 5:21-6:9
Recommended Reading:
1 Peter 2:13-3:17, Ephesians 5:21-6:9
Pastor Joel H. Linton,
Romans 13:1-7,
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Exemplary Behavior
On October 19, 康 牧師 Pastor Tim preached on "Exemplary Behavior" from 羅馬書 Romans 12:9-21
Christian behavior,
Christian life,
Pastor Tim,
Romans 12:9-21,
康 牧師
Discovering and Using Your Spiritual Gifts
On October 12, 康 牧師 Pastor Tim preached on "Discovering and Using Your Spiritual Gifts" from 羅馬書 Romans 12:3-8.
Pastor Tim,
Romans 12:3-8,
Spiritual Gifts,
康 牧師
Monday, October 6, 2008
事奉是基於神的憐憫 Our Service Rooted in God's Mercy
On October 5, 田天德 傳道 Caleb Tian preached on "事奉是基於神的憐憫 Our Service Rooted in God's Mercy" from 羅馬書12:1-2節 Romans 12:1-2.
Caleb Tian,
God's Mercy,
Gospel transformation,
田天德 傳道
Saturday, September 27, 2008
回應上帝慈愛的計畫 Responding to God's Merciful Plan
On September 28, 印主烈 牧師 Pastor Joel H. Linton preached on "回應上帝慈愛的計畫 Responding to God's Merciful Plan" from 羅馬書十一章25-36節 Romans 11:25-36.
Suggested Reading: Isaiah 40, Psalm 2, Revelation 7:9-17
以賽亞書四十章 , 詩篇第二篇
Suggested Reading: Isaiah 40, Psalm 2, Revelation 7:9-17
以賽亞書四十章 , 詩篇第二篇
Pastor Joel H. Linton,
Romans 11:25-36,
印主烈 牧師
認識上帝救贖萬國的計畫 Learning from God's Plan to Save the Nations
On September 21, 印主烈 牧師 Pastor Joel H. Linton preached on "認識上帝救贖萬國的計畫 Learning from God's Plan to Save the Nations" from 羅馬書十一章11-24節 Romans 11:11-24.
Pastor Joel H. Linton,
Romans 11:11-24,
印主烈 牧師
Friday, September 26, 2008
Preparing for Sunday worship
Dear New Hope family,
As you prepare you hearts for worshipping God this Sunday, I hope you will take out a little time today or tomorrow to read Isaiah chapter 40 and also Psalm 2. Please also pray for each other in the church.
God bless you.
In Christ,
Pastor Joel
Dear New Hope family,
As you prepare you hearts for worshipping God this Sunday, I hope you will take out a little time today or tomorrow to read Isaiah chapter 40 and also Psalm 2. Please also pray for each other in the church.
God bless you.
In Christ,
Pastor Joel
Saturday, September 13, 2008
9/14 worship service cancelled -- typhoon
中秋節快樂 Happy Mid-Autumn Festival
The September 14 worship service is cancelled because of the typhoon. People can gather at the Lintons' home tomorrow morning at 10:00 A.M. for a small worship time with songs, prayer, sharing, and a short scripture devotional -- if you want to come. Please be careful of the winds and debris.
We will have our ordinary worship service on Sunday, September 21.
The September 14 worship service is cancelled because of the typhoon. People can gather at the Lintons' home tomorrow morning at 10:00 A.M. for a small worship time with songs, prayer, sharing, and a short scripture devotional -- if you want to come. Please be careful of the winds and debris.
We will have our ordinary worship service on Sunday, September 21.
Monday, September 8, 2008
上帝的揀選 Chosen by God
On September 7, 康 牧師 Pastor Tim preached on "上帝的揀選 Chosen by God" from Romans 羅馬書 11:1-10.
Pastor Tim,
Romans 11:1-10,
康 牧師
Monday, September 1, 2008
傳揚耶穌基督的好消息 Telling the Good News of Jesus Christ
On August 31, 印主烈 牧師 Pastor Joel H. Linton preached on "傳揚耶穌基督的好消息 Proclaiming the Good News of Jesus" from Romans 羅馬書 10:1, 13-21.
Heaping Coals of Fire on an Enemy's Head
Is the expression "heaping coals of fire on an enemy's head" a good thing to do to them, or an action like revenge?
One perspective... I'll keep looking...
One perspective... I'll keep looking...
Monday, August 25, 2008
得救的兩個條件 The Two Conditions of a Saved Heart
On August 24, 田天德 傳道 Caleb Tian preached on "得救的兩個條件 The Two Conditions of a Saved Heart" from Romans 羅馬書 10:5-13
Caleb Tian,
Romans 10:5-13,
追求公義 Pursuing Righteousness
On August 17, 2008, 康 牧師 Pastor Tim preached on 追求公義 Pursuing Righteousness" from Romans 羅馬書 9:30-10:4
Pastor Tim,
Romans 9:30-10:4,
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
罪:靈魂的毀滅與痛苦 Sin: The Ruin and Misery of the Soul - Jonathan Edwards
親愛的弟兄啊,你們是客旅,是寄居的。我勸你們要禁戒肉體的私慾,這私慾是與靈魂爭戰的。彼得前書 2:11
"Dear friends, I urge you, as aliens and strangers in the world, to abstain from sinful desires, which war against your soul." - 1 Peter 2:11 (NIV)
"Sin is the ruin and misery of the soul; it is destructive in its nature; and if God should leave it without restraint, there would need nothing else to make the soul perfectly miserable. The corruption of the heart of man is a thing that is immoderate and boundless in its fury; and while wicked men live here, it is like fire pent up by God's restraints, when as if it were let loose it would set on fire the course of nature; and as the heart is now a sink of sin, so, if sin was not restrained, it would immediately turn the soul into a fiery oven, or a furnace of fire and brimstone."
- Jonathan Edwards, A.D. 1741
Q: 罪是什麼?
A: 凡不遵守神的律法或是違背神的律法,就是罪。
--- 韋斯敏斯德小要理問答(十四)
Q: What is sin?
A: Sin is any want of conformity unto, or transgression of, the law of God.
--- Westminster Shorter Catechism Question 14, A.D. 1647
"Dear friends, I urge you, as aliens and strangers in the world, to abstain from sinful desires, which war against your soul." - 1 Peter 2:11 (NIV)
"Sin is the ruin and misery of the soul; it is destructive in its nature; and if God should leave it without restraint, there would need nothing else to make the soul perfectly miserable. The corruption of the heart of man is a thing that is immoderate and boundless in its fury; and while wicked men live here, it is like fire pent up by God's restraints, when as if it were let loose it would set on fire the course of nature; and as the heart is now a sink of sin, so, if sin was not restrained, it would immediately turn the soul into a fiery oven, or a furnace of fire and brimstone."
- Jonathan Edwards, A.D. 1741
Q: 罪是什麼?
A: 凡不遵守神的律法或是違背神的律法,就是罪。
--- 韋斯敏斯德小要理問答(十四)
Q: What is sin?
A: Sin is any want of conformity unto, or transgression of, the law of God.
--- Westminster Shorter Catechism Question 14, A.D. 1647
質問上帝 Questioning God
On August 10, 康 牧師 Pastor Tim preached on "質問上帝 Questioning God" from 羅馬書九章14-29節 Romans 9:14-29.
Pastor Tim,
Romans 9:14-29,
Monday, August 4, 2008
必實現的應許 Unfailing Promises
On August 3, 2008, 康 牧師 Pastor Tim preached on "必實現的應許 Unfailing Promises" from 羅馬書九章6-18節 - Romans 9:6-18
Pastor Tim,
Romans 9:6-18,
康 牧師,
Friday, August 1, 2008
Welcome and Congratulations!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
The Gospel Message
- 何恩 長老
The gospel is very simple. It's like a class where no one has studied for the test at all and so everyone fails. The teacher sees this and says that anyone who wants to pass needs only to ask him to let them pass, and he will pass them.
Most of the students don't believe him, but a few students do take him up on his offer, swallow their pride, and go and ask him to pass them, and the teacher does pass them, just like he said he would.
The other students are jealous and say to them, "How come he passed you and not me?"
The students who asked to be passed reply, "Well, I asked and you didn't!"
- Aaron Heidel (a ruling elder of New Hope Christian Fellowship)
- 何恩 長老
The gospel is very simple. It's like a class where no one has studied for the test at all and so everyone fails. The teacher sees this and says that anyone who wants to pass needs only to ask him to let them pass, and he will pass them.
Most of the students don't believe him, but a few students do take him up on his offer, swallow their pride, and go and ask him to pass them, and the teacher does pass them, just like he said he would.
The other students are jealous and say to them, "How come he passed you and not me?"
The students who asked to be passed reply, "Well, I asked and you didn't!"
- Aaron Heidel (a ruling elder of New Hope Christian Fellowship)
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
愛是願意付上代價 Love that is Willing to Pay the Price
On July 27, 2008, Caleb Tian 田天德 傳道 preached a sermon on "愛是願意付上代價 Love that is Willing to Pay the Price" from Romans 9:1-5.
經文:羅馬書9:1-5;出 32:31-32
田天德 傳道
This recording also includes:
1. the Old Testament Reading from Genesis 1 - Daniel Cohee 柯睿理 傳道
2. the testimony of John Wang 王嘉蓁
On July 27, 2008,
林亮吟 joined New Hope
John and Vanessa Wang professed their faith and were baptized and joined the church
their children Joyce and Rosie were baptized on the basis of their parents' profession and joined the church as non-communing members.
經文:羅馬書9:1-5;出 32:31-32
田天德 傳道
This recording also includes:
1. the Old Testament Reading from Genesis 1 - Daniel Cohee 柯睿理 傳道
2. the testimony of John Wang 王嘉蓁
On July 27, 2008,
林亮吟 joined New Hope
John and Vanessa Wang professed their faith and were baptized and joined the church
their children Joyce and Rosie were baptized on the basis of their parents' profession and joined the church as non-communing members.
Caleb Tian,
Daniel Cohee,
Genesis 1,
在困難時刻信心滿滿 Conquering Faith in Perilous Times
On July 20, 2008, Pastor Tim preached on 在困難時刻信心滿滿 Conquering Faith in Perilous Times from Romans 8:31-39.
1. 福音的好消息需要你的__________。
2. 在面對困難、__________、甚至_________時,你可以因著基督的______戰勝__________。
3. 你應該信心滿滿,知道__________能夠使你和神在基督裡賜給你的愛隔絕。
1. The good news of the gospel demands your ___________ .
2. In the face of difficulties, _____________, and even ___________ , you can conquer ______________ through the ____________ of Christ.
3. You should be completely confident that _______________ can separate you from the love God has for you in Christ.
1. 福音的好消息需要你的__________。
2. 在面對困難、__________、甚至_________時,你可以因著基督的______戰勝__________。
3. 你應該信心滿滿,知道__________能夠使你和神在基督裡賜給你的愛隔絕。
1. The good news of the gospel demands your ___________ .
2. In the face of difficulties, _____________, and even ___________ , you can conquer ______________ through the ____________ of Christ.
3. You should be completely confident that _______________ can separate you from the love God has for you in Christ.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Being Wary of False Teachers
In Galatians, Paul speaks about false teachers who teaching a gospel of another kind which is not really the Gospel at all.
We have false teachers in our age, too.
Below is a link to an article in Chinese written by Professor 吳道宗 at Central Taiwan Theological Seminary in Taichung that you can download which really helps Christians understand the problem and dangers of people who preach the "prosperity gospel". Taiwan Christians need to become more discerning about false teaching, instead of going to see anyone who is famous or popular or whose event seems exciting.
We have false teachers in our age, too.
Below is a link to an article in Chinese written by Professor 吳道宗 at Central Taiwan Theological Seminary in Taichung that you can download which really helps Christians understand the problem and dangers of people who preach the "prosperity gospel". Taiwan Christians need to become more discerning about false teaching, instead of going to see anyone who is famous or popular or whose event seems exciting.
Reading List to get to Know Your Faith
Reading List to get to Know Your Faith
In the Bible, here is a place to start:
1. 路加福音或約翰福音 read Luke or John
2. 使徒行傳 read Acts
3. 羅馬書或以弗所書 read Romans or Ephesians
4. 創世記 read Genesis
5. 出埃及記 read Exodus
(along with this, it is good to read Psalms and Proverbs)
There are other good Christian books to read. Here is the list.
† Mere Christianity - C.S. Lewis 返璞歸真(or 如此基督教),路益師著,香港:海天書樓
† Reason for God - Tim Keller (not yet been translated)
† Reason to Believe - R.C. Sproul 教我如何不信祂,史普羅著,趙中輝譯, 改革宗出版(Reformed Press)
† Screwtape Letters - C.S. Lewis 地獄來鴻,魯益師著,香港:基督教文藝
† The Case for Christ - Lee Strobel 重審耶穌,史特博著; 李伯明譯,香港:海天書樓
† Westminster Confession of Faith 基督教信仰告白,趙中輝譯,改革宗出版
† Westminster Shorter Catechim 韋斯敏斯德小要理問答
† 基督教要道初階──要理問答精解(修訂版) The Shorter Catechism──First Steps in Christian Doctrine 魏廉森 G. I. Williamson,改革宗出版
† Westminster Larger Catechism 韋敏斯德大要理問答
† A Faith Worth Sharing - C. John Miller (not yet been translated)
† Outgrowing the Ingrown Church - C. John Miller (not yet been translated)
† The Golden Booklet on the True Christian Life - John Calvin 基督徒生活手册,約翰‧加爾文著,趙中輝譯,改革宗出版
† 盤石之上(The Christian Life-A Doctrinal Introduction), 辛克萊‧傅格森(Sinclair B. Ferguson), Virginia Yip譯 ,改革宗出版
† Passion and Purity - Elizabeth Elliot 郵遞真愛,伊莉莎白˙艾略特著,中國學園傳道會出版
† Through the Gates of Splendor - Elizabeth Elliot 奧卡人的新生,伊莉莎白˙艾略特著,大光出版社
† Chosen by God - R.C. Sproul 認識預定論,史普羅著,校園出版(Campus bookstore)
† The Holiness of God - R.C. Sproul 神的聖潔, 史普羅著,黃一亭譯,中國主日學協會 (缺貨)
† The Knowledge of the Holy - A. W. Tozer 認識至聖者,陶恕著,香港宣道出版
† The Pursuit of God - A. W. Tozer 渴慕神,陶恕著,香港宣道出版
† Infant Care Book - Judy Linton 百歲醫師教我的育兒寶典,作者:林奐均
† To Train Up a Child - Michael Pearl
† Biblical Baptism - George W. Marston
† Come Take a Walk with Me (Testimony) - Judy Linton
† Thinking about Idolatry 拜偶像 Pài Siâ-sîn - Tim Keller
† Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God - Jonathan Edwards
† Dating, Courtship and Marriage - Jim Neuheiser
In the Bible, here is a place to start:
1. 路加福音或約翰福音 read Luke or John
2. 使徒行傳 read Acts
3. 羅馬書或以弗所書 read Romans or Ephesians
4. 創世記 read Genesis
5. 出埃及記 read Exodus
(along with this, it is good to read Psalms and Proverbs)
There are other good Christian books to read. Here is the list.
† Mere Christianity - C.S. Lewis 返璞歸真(or 如此基督教),路益師著,香港:海天書樓
† Reason for God - Tim Keller (not yet been translated)
† Reason to Believe - R.C. Sproul 教我如何不信祂,史普羅著,趙中輝譯, 改革宗出版(Reformed Press)
† Screwtape Letters - C.S. Lewis 地獄來鴻,魯益師著,香港:基督教文藝
† The Case for Christ - Lee Strobel 重審耶穌,史特博著; 李伯明譯,香港:海天書樓
† Westminster Confession of Faith 基督教信仰告白,趙中輝譯,改革宗出版
† Westminster Shorter Catechim 韋斯敏斯德小要理問答
† 基督教要道初階──要理問答精解(修訂版) The Shorter Catechism──First Steps in Christian Doctrine 魏廉森 G. I. Williamson,改革宗出版
† Westminster Larger Catechism 韋敏斯德大要理問答
† A Faith Worth Sharing - C. John Miller (not yet been translated)
† Outgrowing the Ingrown Church - C. John Miller (not yet been translated)
† The Golden Booklet on the True Christian Life - John Calvin 基督徒生活手册,約翰‧加爾文著,趙中輝譯,改革宗出版
† 盤石之上(The Christian Life-A Doctrinal Introduction), 辛克萊‧傅格森(Sinclair B. Ferguson), Virginia Yip譯 ,改革宗出版
† Passion and Purity - Elizabeth Elliot 郵遞真愛,伊莉莎白˙艾略特著,中國學園傳道會出版
† Through the Gates of Splendor - Elizabeth Elliot 奧卡人的新生,伊莉莎白˙艾略特著,大光出版社
† Chosen by God - R.C. Sproul 認識預定論,史普羅著,校園出版(Campus bookstore)
† The Holiness of God - R.C. Sproul 神的聖潔, 史普羅著,黃一亭譯,中國主日學協會 (缺貨)
† The Knowledge of the Holy - A. W. Tozer 認識至聖者,陶恕著,香港宣道出版
† The Pursuit of God - A. W. Tozer 渴慕神,陶恕著,香港宣道出版
† Infant Care Book - Judy Linton 百歲醫師教我的育兒寶典,作者:林奐均
† To Train Up a Child - Michael Pearl
† Biblical Baptism - George W. Marston
† Come Take a Walk with Me (Testimony) - Judy Linton
† Thinking about Idolatry 拜偶像 Pài Siâ-sîn - Tim Keller
† Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God - Jonathan Edwards
† Dating, Courtship and Marriage - Jim Neuheiser
Friday, July 11, 2008
God Removed Four Big Insecurities in Your Life as a Christian 上帝除去你人生四大疑惑
On July 13, Pastor Joel H. Linton 印主烈 牧師 preached on "God Removed Four Big Insecurities in Your Life as a Christian 上帝除去你人生四大疑惑" from Romans 8:28-37 羅馬書8章28-37節
Suggested Reading: 詩篇23篇 Psalm 23
Dear New Hope family,
To prepare for the message on Sunday, please read and think about Romans 8:28-39 and also Psalm 23.
God bless you all this week.
In Christ, Joel 印主烈 牧師
Suggested Reading: 詩篇23篇 Psalm 23
Dear New Hope family,
To prepare for the message on Sunday, please read and think about Romans 8:28-39 and also Psalm 23.
God bless you all this week.
In Christ, Joel 印主烈 牧師
Pastor Joel H. Linton,
Romans 8:28-37,
在人生的幸與不幸之間找到意義 Making Sense of the Good and Bad in Your Life
On July 6, 康 牧師 Pastor Tim preached on "在人生的幸與不幸之間找到意義 Making Sense of the Good and Bad in Your Life" - from 馬書8章28-30節 Romans 8:28-30
God's plan,
Pastor Tim,
Romans 8:28-30,
康 牧師
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Café and Gallery Night
Saturday, June 28, 2008
等候被上帝收養 Anticipating Adoption
On June 29, Romans 8:18-30 (focus on vs. 22-27) - "Anticipating Adoption 等候被上帝收養" - Pastor Tim
1. All ________________ groans with childbirth pain: 一切_____________一同嘆息,如同經歷產痛:
A. awaiting our ________________ as sons and 我們等候被_____________成為兒子,並且
B. ___________ to be set free from futility. __________ 脫離虛空。
2. We ourselves groan within ourselves eagerly awaiting our ____________ and the ______________ of our bodies.
我們心裡也嘆息,迫切等候被___________,等候身體得到 ________。
3. We _____________________ in hope and eager waiting. 我們在盼望與殷切等候中___________。
1. All ________________ groans with childbirth pain: 一切_____________一同嘆息,如同經歷產痛:
A. awaiting our ________________ as sons and 我們等候被_____________成為兒子,並且
B. ___________ to be set free from futility. __________ 脫離虛空。
2. We ourselves groan within ourselves eagerly awaiting our ____________ and the ______________ of our bodies.
我們心裡也嘆息,迫切等候被___________,等候身體得到 ________。
3. We _____________________ in hope and eager waiting. 我們在盼望與殷切等候中___________。
Pastor Tim,
Romans 8:22-27,
康 牧師
Saturday, June 21, 2008
上帝養子的產業 Our Inheritance as Adopted Sons of God
On June 22, 印主烈 牧師 Pastor Joel H. Linton preached from 羅馬書8章13-25節 Romans 8:13-25 on "上帝養子的產業 Our Inheritance as Adopted Sons of God"
Suggested reading: Titus 3:3-8
Suggested reading: Titus 3:3-8
Pastor Joel H. Linton,
Romans 8:13-25,
印主烈 牧師
Monday, June 16, 2008
恨惡己罪的人有盼望 Hope for People who Hate their own Sin
On June 15, 印主烈 牧師 Pastor Joel H. Linton preached on "恨惡己罪的人有盼望 Hope for People who Hate their own Sin" from - 羅馬書7章24節 -- 8章13節 Romans 7:24-8:13
Suggested Reading: the book of 1 John 約翰一書
Suggested Reading: the book of 1 John 約翰一書
Christian life,
Pastor Joel H. Linton,
Romans 7:24-8:13,
印主烈 牧師
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Thinking about Idolatry 拜偶像 (拜邪神 Pài Siâ-sîn)
耶穌說上帝給我們最大的誡命就是要愛祂,因此最大的罪就是不愛上帝,這罪也叫“拜偶像”,就是愛其他人事物超過愛獨一真神、造我們的主。在紐約牧會的Tim Keller牧師說:“生命若不是以上帝為中心,必走向空虛,如果把生命建造在神以外的人事物上,不但渴望無法滿足時會受傷,就算渴望得到滿足,我們也一樣會受傷。很少人可以完全實現生命中所有偉大的夢想,因此人很容易會活在幻想中,以為他們如果能如願成功、致富、受歡迎或變的更美,他們就可以活的快樂又平安,但事實並非如此。” (Translated by Melody Chen)
Thinking about Idolatry
Jesus said that the greatest commandment from God was to love Him. Our failure to love God is our greatest sin. This sin is also called "idolatry": we love something else much more than our Creator, the true God.
Rev. Tim Keller, a pastor at Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City, wrote: "A life not centered on God leads to emptiness. Building our lives on something besides God not only hurts us if we do not get the desires of our hearts, but also if we do. Few of us get all of our wildest dreams fulfilled in life, and therefore it is easy to live in the illusion that if you were as successful, wealthy, popular or beautiful as you wished, you would finally be happy and at peace. That just is not so." (The Reason for God - pp. 166-167)
耶穌說上帝給我們最大的誡命就是要愛祂,因此最大的罪就是不愛上帝,這罪也叫“拜偶像”,就是愛其他人事物超過愛獨一真神、造我們的主。在紐約牧會的Tim Keller牧師說:“生命若不是以上帝為中心,必走向空虛,如果把生命建造在神以外的人事物上,不但渴望無法滿足時會受傷,就算渴望得到滿足,我們也一樣會受傷。很少人可以完全實現生命中所有偉大的夢想,因此人很容易會活在幻想中,以為他們如果能如願成功、致富、受歡迎或變的更美,他們就可以活的快樂又平安,但事實並非如此。” (Translated by Melody Chen)
Thinking about Idolatry
Jesus said that the greatest commandment from God was to love Him. Our failure to love God is our greatest sin. This sin is also called "idolatry": we love something else much more than our Creator, the true God.
Rev. Tim Keller, a pastor at Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City, wrote: "A life not centered on God leads to emptiness. Building our lives on something besides God not only hurts us if we do not get the desires of our hearts, but also if we do. Few of us get all of our wildest dreams fulfilled in life, and therefore it is easy to live in the illusion that if you were as successful, wealthy, popular or beautiful as you wished, you would finally be happy and at peace. That just is not so." (The Reason for God - pp. 166-167)
greatest commandment,
love God,
The Reason for God,
Tim Keller
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Functioning as the Body of Christ
On June 8, Daniel Cohee 柯睿理 傳道 preached from 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 on "Functioning as the Body of Christ."
Suggested Reading: Psalm 127
Suggested Reading: Psalm 127
1 Corinthians 12:12-27,
Daniel Cohee,
基督激勵的愛 The Compelling Love of Christ
On June 1, we had a special guest. Pastor Lâu Bîn-hô Bo̍k-su 劉民和 牧師 has devoted his life in Taiwan to preaching the Gospel to drug addicts and seeing God redeem their lives through its power. He preached from 2 Corinthians 5:14-21 on "基督激勵的愛 The Compelling Love of Christ."
Monday, May 26, 2008
律法顯明人的罪性 Seeing the True Sinfulness of Sin
On May 25,田天德 傳道 Caleb Tian preached on 講道題目:"律法顯明人的罪性 The Law Exposes Your Sin" from 經文:Romans 羅馬書 7:7-20
Suggested Reading: Genesis 創世記 3:1-5
Genesis 3:1-5, Proverbs 9:17, Romans 3:23
Suggested Reading: Genesis 創世記 3:1-5
Genesis 3:1-5, Proverbs 9:17, Romans 3:23
Caleb Tian,
Romans 7:7-20,
羅馬書 7:7-20
Friday, May 16, 2008
是埋葬過往的時候了 Time to Bury Your Old Life - May 18, 2008
On May 18, 印主烈 牧師 Pastor Joel H. Linton preached on "是埋葬過往的時候了 Time to Bury Your Old Life" from 羅馬書7章1-6節 Romans 7:1-6
Recommended reading: 2 Corinthians 5:17, 1 Peter 4:2-4, Romans 6:19
Recommended reading: 2 Corinthians 5:17, 1 Peter 4:2-4, Romans 6:19
你要事奉誰? Whom Will You Serve? - May 11, 2008
On May 11, Pastor Jim Gray preached on "你要事奉誰? Whom Will You Serve?" from 羅馬書6章15-32節 Romans 6:15-32
Either sin is your master, or Christ is your Lord.
Either sin is your master, or Christ is your Lord.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
與基督合而為一 Implications of Being United to Christ - May 4, 2008
On May 4, 田天德 傳道 Caleb Tian preached on "與基督合而為一 Implications of Being United to Christ" from 羅馬書6章1-11節 Romans 6:1-11.
Recommended reading: 以弗所書二8-9 Ephesians 2:8-9
Recommended reading: 以弗所書二8-9 Ephesians 2:8-9
Caleb Tian,
Romans 6:1-11,
Death to Adam's People; Life to Jesus Christ's People - April 27, 2008
On April 27 - 印主烈 牧師 Pastor Joel H. Linton preached on "Death to Adam's People; Life to Jesus Christ's People" from 羅馬書 5章12-21節 Romans 5:12-21
Recommended reading: 1 Corinthians 15:17-24
Recommended reading: 1 Corinthians 15:17-24
"Jesus Already Paid for Past, Present and Future Sins of His Sheep" - April 20, 2008
On April 20th, 印主烈 牧師 Pastor Joel H. Linton preached on "Jesus Already Paid for Past, Present and Future Sins of His Sheep" - from 羅馬書5章9-11節 Romans 5:9-11
Pastor Joel H. Linton,
印主烈 牧師
Sunday, April 13, 2008
在上帝容許你受的苦難中喜樂 Rejoicing in the Suffering that God Allows You to Experience - April 13, 2008
On April 13, 印主烈 牧師 Pastor Joel H. Linton preached on "在上帝容許你受的苦難中喜樂 Rejoicing in the Suffering that God Allows You to Experience" from 羅馬書5章3-5節 Romans 5:3-5
Recommended reading: Ecclesiastes, Hebrews 12, Romans 8
Recommended reading: Ecclesiastes, Hebrews 12, Romans 8
Pastor Joel H. Linton,
Romans 5:3-5,
印主烈 牧師
神慈愛的救贖 God's Saving Love - April 6, 2008
On April 6, 田天德 傳道 Caleb Tian preached on "神慈愛的救贖 God's Saving Love from Romans 5:6-9
Caleb Tian,
God's Love,
Romans 5:6-8,
Friday, April 4, 2008
為什麼人們應該行為良善?Why should people do good?
為什麼人們應該行為良善? 為什麼人們應該改變他們的行為?
- 印主烈 牧師
(Translated by Melody Chen)
Opening Meditation for Sunday:
Why should people do good? Why should they change the way they behave?
Your motivation to change should not be out of obligation or legalism. Legalism is trying to follow a list of rules in an effort to be accepted by God. Legalists will tell you, "In order to be a good Christian, you should be like this, or you ought to do that. Otherwise you are bad."
But the message of the Gospel is different. The Bible says that God already knows you are a bad sinner. But God loves and accepts His people because of Jesus Christ, not because of what you do. If you are a believer, God adopted you as His child and He gave you a new heart. God changes people from the inside. Believing the Gospel makes you want to change and be more like the One who loves you so much.
- Pastor Joel H. Linton
為什麼人們應該行為良善? 為什麼人們應該改變他們的行為?
- 印主烈 牧師
(Translated by Melody Chen)
Opening Meditation for Sunday:
Why should people do good? Why should they change the way they behave?
Your motivation to change should not be out of obligation or legalism. Legalism is trying to follow a list of rules in an effort to be accepted by God. Legalists will tell you, "In order to be a good Christian, you should be like this, or you ought to do that. Otherwise you are bad."
But the message of the Gospel is different. The Bible says that God already knows you are a bad sinner. But God loves and accepts His people because of Jesus Christ, not because of what you do. If you are a believer, God adopted you as His child and He gave you a new heart. God changes people from the inside. Believing the Gospel makes you want to change and be more like the One who loves you so much.
- Pastor Joel H. Linton
good works,
motivation for holiness,
Monday, March 31, 2008
從孤兒變成上帝的孩子 From Orphans to Children of God - March 30, 2008
On March 30, 2008, Daniel Cohee preached on
從孤兒變成上帝的孩子 "From Orphans to Children of God" from 約翰一書 1 John 2:28-3:3.
Some points:
* God the Father loves and has adopted all who believe in Jesus.
* An adopted child does not look like his adoptive parents, but as he lives longer in the family, he begins to act like them.
* A child is not like a slave or an employee. A child belongs to the home. He does not have to earn it.
* Christians are no longer slaves, but children. Even after they have been taken out of slavery, but it takes longer for the slavery to be taken out of their hearts and minds and attitudes.
* Are you relating to God like a slave or like who you are in Christ - a loved, adopted child of God?
從孤兒變成上帝的孩子 "From Orphans to Children of God" from 約翰一書 1 John 2:28-3:3.
Some points:
* God the Father loves and has adopted all who believe in Jesus.
* An adopted child does not look like his adoptive parents, but as he lives longer in the family, he begins to act like them.
* A child is not like a slave or an employee. A child belongs to the home. He does not have to earn it.
* Christians are no longer slaves, but children. Even after they have been taken out of slavery, but it takes longer for the slavery to be taken out of their hearts and minds and attitudes.
* Are you relating to God like a slave or like who you are in Christ - a loved, adopted child of God?
1 John 2:28-3:3,
Daniel Cohee,
God the Father,
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life 永生的源頭
Happy Easter!
Whatever you are depressed by, the ultimate hope is found in Jesus Christ, the one who rose from the dead to never die again.
Don't put your hope in things that will not last. Put your hope in eternal things, that will last beyond the grave. Put your hope in Jesus and the eternal life he purchased with his death for sinners like you.
On March 23, Pastor Joel preached on "永生的源頭 The Source of Eternal Life" from John 11:17-27 and Acts 2:22-24.
This link also has Ken and Lillian Huang's 黃德建 & 黃力蓮 Testimonies.
Whatever you are depressed by, the ultimate hope is found in Jesus Christ, the one who rose from the dead to never die again.
Don't put your hope in things that will not last. Put your hope in eternal things, that will last beyond the grave. Put your hope in Jesus and the eternal life he purchased with his death for sinners like you.
On March 23, Pastor Joel preached on "永生的源頭 The Source of Eternal Life" from John 11:17-27 and Acts 2:22-24.
This link also has Ken and Lillian Huang's 黃德建 & 黃力蓮 Testimonies.
eternal life,
John 11:17-27,
Ken and Lillian Huang,
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Sermon D&R - 因最大的盼望喜樂 Rejoicing in the Ultimate Hope - March 16, 2008
On March 16, 印主烈 牧師 Pastor Joel H. Linton preached on 因最大的盼望喜樂 Rejoicing in the Ultimate Hope from 羅馬書五章1-5節 Romans 5:1-5.
glory of God,
Pastor Joel H. Linton,
Romans 5:2,
印主烈 牧師,
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Congratulations to Marcie Lee and TJ Jiang on their engagement!

When? -- TJ asked Marcie to marry him on her birthday, March 2, 2008.
Please leave your personal congratulations by clicking on "comments" below.
Sermon D&R - 來到上帝的面前 Access to God; Standing in Grace
On March 9, Pastor Joel Linton (印主烈 牧師) will preach on "Access to God, Standing in Grace" 來到上帝的面前 from Romans 5:1-5, particularly verse 2 羅馬書五章1-5節.
(other verses --
2 Corinthians 9:7 "Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give、not reluctantly or under compulsion、for God loves a cheerful giver."
(For further reading at home, read John Chapter 14-17)
• 從這段經文和今天的講道,你還學到什麼?
Are there any points you'd like to add that you learned from the Scripture passage and sermon?
(other verses --
2 Corinthians 9:7 "Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give、not reluctantly or under compulsion、for God loves a cheerful giver."
(For further reading at home, read John Chapter 14-17)
• 從這段經文和今天的講道,你還學到什麼?
Are there any points you'd like to add that you learned from the Scripture passage and sermon?
access to God,
Pastor Joel H. Linton,
Romans 5:2,
印主烈 牧師
Sermon D&R - 因信基督得以成為神的兒子 Standing as a son of God
On March 2, Caleb Tian 田天德 傳道 preached on 加拉太書三章26-29節 Galatians 3:26-29 that speaks about how we are 因信基督得以成為神的兒子 sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. In the first part of the sermon, Caleb spoke about how every person economic status or culture or race has equal dignity before God because we are united to Christ.
• 從這段經文和今天的講道,你還學到什麼?
Are there any points you'd like to add that you learned from the Scripture passage and sermon?
• 從這段經文和今天的講道,你還學到什麼?
Are there any points you'd like to add that you learned from the Scripture passage and sermon?
Caleb Tian,
Galatians 3:26-29,
Monday, February 25, 2008
Sermon D&R - "與上帝和好了嗎 ? Are You at Peace with God?"
Yesterday, Joel (印主烈 牧師) preached on "與上帝和好了嗎 ? Are You at Peace with God?" from 羅馬書五章1-5節 Romans 5:1-5.
Please post your feedback or comments or share your thoughts in response to this sermon.
Some Highlights:
1. Peace is not merely the absence of conflict.
2. Peace is a personal relationship with God
3. This personal relationship is dependent on what Jesus Christ did. God sees Christians through Christ; He is well-pleased with us because God the Father is well-pleased with Jesus Christ, God the Son, who perfectly obeyed God and perfectly loved God. He presented his perfect record in our place, and took our record of sin on himself and received the punishment for our sin when he died on the Cross 2000 years ago.
• 從這段經文和今天的講道,你還學到什麼?
Are there any points you'd like to add that you learned from the Scripture passage and sermon?
• 有沒有哪個例子幫助你了解跟上帝和好的含意?
Were there any illustrations that you really thought helped you understand what it means to have peace with God?
Please post your feedback or comments or share your thoughts in response to this sermon.
Some Highlights:
1. Peace is not merely the absence of conflict.
2. Peace is a personal relationship with God
3. This personal relationship is dependent on what Jesus Christ did. God sees Christians through Christ; He is well-pleased with us because God the Father is well-pleased with Jesus Christ, God the Son, who perfectly obeyed God and perfectly loved God. He presented his perfect record in our place, and took our record of sin on himself and received the punishment for our sin when he died on the Cross 2000 years ago.
• 從這段經文和今天的講道,你還學到什麼?
Are there any points you'd like to add that you learned from the Scripture passage and sermon?
• 有沒有哪個例子幫助你了解跟上帝和好的含意?
Were there any illustrations that you really thought helped you understand what it means to have peace with God?
Pastor Joel H. Linton,
Romans 5:1-5,
印主烈 牧師
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
More evidence for Noah's Flood and against evolution
I just read an article in the BBC online edition that yet again mentions fossils with soft tissue still intact, yet these scientists blindly believe that these fossils are tens of millions of years old, but somehow the soft tissue did not decay.
A much more natural explanation would be that their dating scheme is totally off, and that many of the fossils were formed around 4000 to 5000 years ago in the global flood that the Bible talks about where there would be high pressure from all that water, quick deposition, and low oxygen, so not much chance for the fossils to decay -- ideal conditions for fossil formation, and exactly the type of flood described in Genesis 8-9. This is also possibly where all the oil in the world came from. You have a massive amount of water washing all the vegetation into low-lying areas and then build up pressure and low oxygen so that it becomes oil, coal or natural gas instead of decaying.
A much more natural explanation would be that their dating scheme is totally off, and that many of the fossils were formed around 4000 to 5000 years ago in the global flood that the Bible talks about where there would be high pressure from all that water, quick deposition, and low oxygen, so not much chance for the fossils to decay -- ideal conditions for fossil formation, and exactly the type of flood described in Genesis 8-9. This is also possibly where all the oil in the world came from. You have a massive amount of water washing all the vegetation into low-lying areas and then build up pressure and low oxygen so that it becomes oil, coal or natural gas instead of decaying.
global flood,
soft tissue
Friday, February 15, 2008
Sermon D&R - Defining Your Christian Identity
On Sunday, February 17, 印主烈 牧師 Pastor Joel Linton will preach on -- "基督徒最好的形容詞 The Word that Really Defines Your Christian Identity" from 羅馬書5章1節 Romans 5:1.
Here is a hint -- look at the very first word in Romans 5.
How does that define what it means to be a Christian?
Stay tuned....
Here is a hint -- look at the very first word in Romans 5.
How does that define what it means to be a Christian?
Stay tuned....
Pastor Joel H. Linton,
Romans 5:1-5,
印主烈 牧師
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Sermon D&R - New Life in Christ - Feb. 3, 2008
On Sunday, February 3, Caleb Tian 田天德 will preach on "除舊佈新迎新年" from Ephesians 4:21-24, 2 Corinthians 5:17 弗四章21-24 、 林後五章17.
I'm excited. It looks like because of the Lunar New Year, Caleb is going to be preaching to us about our new self and new life in Christ. It is so great to think about freedom from the past that Christians have! As Jesus said, "If the son has set you free, you are free indeed."
Iok-hān Hok-im 8 chiuⁿ 36 chat: “Só͘-í Thiⁿ-pē ê Kiáⁿ, Iâ-so͘, nā hō͘ lín chū-iû, lín chiū chin-chiàⁿ chū-iû.”
I'm excited. It looks like because of the Lunar New Year, Caleb is going to be preaching to us about our new self and new life in Christ. It is so great to think about freedom from the past that Christians have! As Jesus said, "If the son has set you free, you are free indeed."
Iok-hān Hok-im 8 chiuⁿ 36 chat: “Só͘-í Thiⁿ-pē ê Kiáⁿ, Iâ-so͘, nā hō͘ lín chū-iû, lín chiū chin-chiàⁿ chū-iû.”
2 Corinthians 5:17,
Ephesians 4:21-24,
new creation,
new life,
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Creation vs. Evolution Discussion Group
After the service on Sunday, January 27, there will be a discussion group on Creation and Evolution. We will be watching a DVD documentary called: "Unlocking the Mystery of Life". It does several things: 1. Reviews Darwin's Theory of Evolution, 2. Considers the present issue of the fact that even inside cells, there are incredibly complex machines that could not have evolved from small random changes -- implies and Intelligent Designer 3. Considers the issue of the origin of cells themselves, and how the proteins and DNA's information require imply a Intelligent Designer. ... all of the Scientists interviewed are former believers in evolution who as they looked at the facts came to be confronted with the impossibility of evolutionary theory. They felt forced to conclude from the data that there must have been a designer.
The DVD does not discuss some related issues such as the methods of dating, the strata of the earth, the absence of transitional fossils. We can discuss this more in the meeting. But the DVD deals with some core issues that must be answered first before any further assumptions about evolution by natural selection can be considered.
The DVD does not discuss some related issues such as the methods of dating, the strata of the earth, the absence of transitional fossils. We can discuss this more in the meeting. But the DVD deals with some core issues that must be answered first before any further assumptions about evolution by natural selection can be considered.
Discussion Group,
Intelligent Design
Sermon Discussion and Response - January 27, 2008
On Sunday, January 27, Pastor Tim preached from Romans 4:9-25 羅馬書四章9-25節 on "Certain Faith in Hopeless Situations 在絕望的處境中信心堅定" .
Please make comments here, ask questions, give feedback, or share Bible verses, songs or experiences in response to this sermon.
Please make comments here, ask questions, give feedback, or share Bible verses, songs or experiences in response to this sermon.
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